Add Pagination In WordPress Post Without Plugin

How To Add Pagination In WordPress Post Without Plugin?

add pagination in wordpress post without plugin

For the better SEO, people try their best to minimize bounce rate of their websites. There are many ways for that.

But if you have a long post then it would be great if you split that post into multiple pages. Yes, it can be done by adding the pagination.

In this tutorial, you will learn the way to add pagination in WordPress post without plugin.

I know, most of the people would search for the plugins. But you know what, WordPress codes seem so tricky but easy to implement.

What Should You Do To Split WordPress Into Multiple Pages?

There is nothing much to do.

While writing the post in your WordPress post editor, you have to add a few words.

First of all, use the text editor instead of the visual editor and then add the code shown below.


Use this code from where you want to split your post. There is nothing technical in it. You can split one post into many pages. The choice is yours.

What Would You Do If You Don’t See The Pagination Even After Adding it?

Well, there is another permanent solution for this problem.

Do you know a little bit about the WordPress theme file structure? There are a few files from which, the single.php file handles the output of your all the single posts.

The file may vary according to the nature of coding. Every developer has something different to provide. But still, in most of the cases, single.php is the file you should edit.

Whether you open this file from the cPanel or directly from your WordPress admin panel, the choice is yours.

Go to appearance>>editor>>single.php.

Add a line of code in the end of the loop which is handling the single post.

<?php wp_link_pages(); ?>

There is another code which works the same as this. But you don’t need to use that. This would work for you.

If you want to edit the default pagination then there are a few parameters which can be passed in this tag. For more details, you can visit the style page.

Can You Now Add Pagination In WordPress Post?

Forget about plugins and start doing everything with the codes. I know the non-techie people would get afraid.

But there is nothing techie, which can break your website. The first method can be used by everyone. In some cases when the WordPress theme doesn’t support the pagination then the manual action is required.

I hope you can follow the first step. And if you face any problem, feel free to clear your doubts.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hello Ravi,

    I am back on your blog. It’s a very helpful post as it’s the best way to add pagination. Less no. of plugins are good for WordPress blog. Thus, it’s a very helpful information for many bloggers.

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